The best cheese curds - Brins de Gouda | Fromagerie Bergeron
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A bite of freshness!

  • Firm unripened cheese
  • A pleasant moist texture and squeak against the teeth
  • Made with pasteurized cow’s milk
  • Pairs wonderfully with salty snacks and cold beer
  • Lactose free


Milky and salty flavour.


Keeps at room temperature for 24 hours after the preparation date (see date on the bag). Afterwards, the unopened product keeps in the refrigerator 15 days. Can be freezed.


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Nutrition facts and ingredients

  • Pasteurized milk, Whey protein concentrate, may contain Milk protein concentrate, Whey cream, Salt, Calcium chloride, Microbial enzyme, Bacterial culture.


Nutritional value accuracy

The nutritional values ​​and ingredients are provided for information only and may vary from products available in grocery stores. Please refer to the product packaging for nutrition facts and ingredients. In case of difference between those on this site and those indicated on the packaging, the packaging prevails.