Le Classique Smoked Light | Fromagerie Bergeron
Online store FR

Prizes won

British Empire Cheese Show 2018
Light Cheese - 2nd Place

Le Classique Smoked Light: half the fat than our Classique, naturally smoked!

  • Smoked firm cheese ripened for about 14 weeks
  • Only 14% milk fat
  • Cold smoked over natural wood
  • Chestnut-coloured, edible rind
  • Made with pasteurized cow’s milk
  • Lactose free


Roasted, well-balanced flavour.
Smoked taste does not overwhelm the slight tanginess of the cheese.

Food, beer and wine pairings

Excellent in raclettes and in sandwiches. Try it in your grilled cheese and add apples to it to discover new flavours. Taste it with a Pilsner blond beer or a Red Ale. Fruity red wines, dry white wines or Port wines highlight the smoky flavour of the cheese.



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Nutrition facts and ingredients

Pasteurized partly skimmed milk, milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, salt, calcium chloride, microbial enzyme, bacterial culture, natural wood smoke (natamycin on the surface).


Nutritional value accuracy

The nutritional values ​​and ingredients are provided for information only and may vary from products available in grocery stores. Please refer to the product packaging for nutrition facts and ingredients. In case of difference between those on this site and those indicated on the packaging, the packaging prevails.

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